Referee and Author Instructions
For Authors
Our Journal of Characterization was launched in 2021. Our journal includes original, compilation, and research studies prepared on every subject related to science and engineering. All articles submitted to our journal, which is published three times a year, in April, August, and December, are evaluated without discrimination.
Author Responsibilities
It is the author's responsibility to ensure that the articles submitted to our journal are suitable for the scope of the journal. In case the articles that are not suitable for the scope of the journal are detected by the field editors, the "rejection decision" is notified in writing and with justification.
- Compliance of the articles submitted to our journal with journal publication principles is evaluated by our editorial board. Compliance of the articles with scientific and ethical rules is the responsibility of the authors.
- The articles submitted to our journal must not be original, not previously published elsewhere or sent for evaluation to be published in a different language.
- All authors should have direct academic and scientific contributions to the article. Author(s) should provide the criteria for study concept, study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, manuscript draft, critical review of content, final approval and responsibility, material and technical support supervision. At the end of the article, the author(s) should include a statement of author contribution rate, a statement of support and acknowledgment, if any, and a statement of conflict.
- The naming order of the authors should be a joint decision. Information about all authors must be stated in the "Copyright Transfer Agreement" form by the responsible author and the form must be signed by the responsible author.
- Authors are required to send the article file together with the “Plagiarism Report Result” and “Copyright Transfer Agreement” in the first submission.
- Plagiarism check-in articles Turnitin, iThenticate, Plagiarism etc. taken from the programs. Matches found in each article are examined and errors are detected and reported with the "Plagiarism Report Result" form for the editorial board. The editorial board makes its final decision for each article in the light of a plagiarism report (Author's claiming as himself by copying information from other people/Author's making "Duplicate publication" by not referring to the information provided by the author's previous works). Journal of Characterization limited the similarity rate in plagiarism control to two basic rules: The similarity rate should be below 20% for the full text. The similarity rate for a single source should be less than 5%.
For Referees
Referees should not have conflicts of interest with the research, with the authors, and/or with the financial supporters of the research. As a result of their evaluation, they should reach an impartial and objective judgment.
- Articles that are deemed worthy of being sent to the referees are sent to at least two referees who are experts in the relevant field. When the referee thinks that the article, he has accepted for evaluation is out of the field of study, he should notify the editor of this situation and ask to be dismissed from the referee process. In this process, the identities of the referee and author are kept confidential.
- They should ensure that all information regarding the submitted manuscripts is kept confidential and should report any copyright infringement and plagiarism on the part of the author to the editor.
- Referees should pay attention to the dates of the evaluation process. In studies that require additional time, the referees should contact the editor and submit their request for additional time.
- During the refereeing process, the referees are expected to make their evaluations by considering the following:
Does it comply with the scientific principle in terms of the subject and content of the study?
Does the study have an originality that will contribute to its field?
Does the subject covered in the study have actual value?
Is the scope and depth of the subject covered in the study sufficient?
Are enough references given to the main sources in the study?
Has a comparison been made between the subject of the study and current studies?
Are the terms of the relevant field used appropriately and correctly?
Is the language and style used clear and fluent?
Is the type of article clearly stated?
- The referees should express their opinions on the evaluation form in accordance with the language of the article while evaluating.
- In addition to the standard evaluation form, the referees should include their opinions in detail on the articles they have reviewed.
- Referees should keep the title, institution, field of study, and contact information in their profiles registered in the Journal of Characterization up to date.
Note 1: If the opinions of the author and the referee differ in determining the type of the article, the decision of the Field Editor is essential.